According to hinduism as in christianity sin may arise from disobedience to gods eternal law dharma. The prayaschitta is only sometimes to make full amends for the crime.
Their mistakes can be forgiven if they uphold dharma as a service to god.

How to repent for sins in hinduism.
The seven deadly sins pride envy gluttony lust anger greed and sloth have their counterparts in hindu philosophy too as abhiman irsha lobh kama krodha etc but unlike the emphasis in.
After repentance if you do not repeat the sins the punishment is cancelled.
Confession itself does not wipe away the sins.
How to repent for sins in hinduism.
This will give you the mind of christ.
If a sinner realizes his sin and repents the punishment is reduced.
One has to learn pratikraman whereas atikraman is learnt automatically.
If the sinner does not repent he will repeat the sin again and again.
Every christian has a problem with repeating sin.
Even there the only reason to get ones sins forgiven is to go to heaven.
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Sinners would go to hell permanently.
Such a sinner can be controlled only by punishment.
Sin is nothing but doing acts which go against the will of god or going against the laws of nature or rules of scriptures given by god.
It is most important that you repent sincerely and read your bible daily.
How to get rid of sins as per bhagwat gita i n hinduism papa is the word generally used for sin.
Recognise that you you have hurt others and caused unnece.
If this were not true the police department would have no use.
The reason why abrahamic religions have no use for reincarnation is because one can do a penance to get ones sins forgiven.
Firstly the definition of sin in hinduism.
The priest will prescribe a penance like 5 hail marys.
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The real problem would arise if you gave in to sin and stopped trying.
From the hindu point of view the critical act is to repent and resolve to not repeat the transgression thus to transform ones behavior change ones ways permanently.
If one wants to hurt someone one does not need to go to school to learn that one has already learnt that by observing others.
How to repent for your sins.
Asked by godfrey franecki.
Sin is any act which intentionally causes suffering to another sentient being paropakara puyaya papaya para pianam secondly the 3 rs.
True it is difficult to follow the laws of god but it is an obligation for humans.
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